Singworthy is about your voice.

I’m going to guess we have at least three things in common: we love singing, we want to sing well, and we want to enjoy our voices as much as we can.

I started Singworthy to give hobby singers a reliable, clear method for healthier, more enjoyable singing. No jargon, no “secrets,” no confusion. Just easy-to-understand instruction to help you focus more on fun­­­­­­ and artistry, and less on effort and frustration.

It doesn’t matter if you sing with an elite group or if you just wish you could sing a pickup song without feeling so self-conscious. Whatever your personal singing goals are, I am here to help. Let’s dive in.

Meet Ben

Ben Harding  has coached thousands of singers from around the world over the past 10+ years. He is a top-ten Lead in the Barbershop Harmony Society, has been director of both adult and youth choruses, and has a passion for helping singers understand and enjoy their voices. Ben holds a bachelor's degree in Vocal Performance and a master's degree in Choral Conducting.